Coming from Adobe Flex, it has been quite a surprise to discover that JavaFX 2 does not provide anything particular concerning input validation. However we can make use of the existing UI event model to execute validations on the text inputs.
In a first naive implementation, we could simply think of an event handler that will manually validate the input on the fly :
textField.setOnKeyTyped(new EventHandler<KeyEvent>() { @Override public void handle(KeyEvent event) { String text = ((TextInputControl)event.getTarget()).getText()); if (text.length() < 2 || text.length() > 25) ((Node)event.getTarget()).setStyle("-fx-border-color: red"); else ((Node)event.getTarget()).setStyle("-fx-border-color: null"); } });
Here we have processed the validation manually, but we now would like to be able to leverage the Bean Validation API to simplify this. Bean Validation is not meant to be applied on individual values (as the value of the input) but on data beans holding the validation constraint annotations. However in general a text field would be used to populate a data bean, so we could do something like this :
public class Person { @Size(min=2, max=20) private String name; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } }
Having defined this bean, we could change the previous code by this :
final Validator validator = validatorFactory.getValidator(Person.class); textField.setOnKeyTyped(new EventHandler<KeyEvent>() { @Override public void handle(KeyEvent event) { String text = ((TextInputControl)event.getTarget()).getText()); Set<ConstraintViolation<Person>> violations = validator.validateValue(Person.class, "name", text); if (!violations.isEmpty()) ((Node)event.getTarget()).setStyle("-fx-border-color: red"); else ((Node)event.getTarget()).setStyle("-fx-border-color: null"); } });
This is definetely better, but we still have to do this for each and every input field, which is not very convenient.
One possibility would be to write a reusable validation handler, like this :
public class ValidationEventHandler<T> extends EventHandler<KeyEvent> { private Class<T> beanClass; private String propertyName; public ValidationEventHandler(Class<T> beanClass, String propertyName) { this.beanClass = beanClass; this.propertyName = propertyName; } @Override public void handle(KeyEvent event) { String text = ((TextInputControl)event.getTarget()).getText()); Set<ConstraintViolation<T>> violations = validator.validateValue(beanClass, propertyName, text); if (!violations.isEmpty()) ((Node)event.getTarget()).setStyle("-fx-border-color: red"); else ((Node)event.getTarget()).setStyle("-fx-border-color: null"); } }
Which would lead to this on each field :
textField.setOnKeyTyped( new ValidationEventHandler<Person>(Person.class, "name"));
Still we have to define this handler on each input field, so it can be configured with the bean class and property.
If we want to go a bit further, we will need a generic way to determine the links between input fields and beans. This link is application-specific, but if the application uses data binding, we can maybe find this information.
Unfortunately, there does not seem to be any generic reflection API on property bindings. Using the following extremely ugly hack we can find the target of a particular binding:
private Property<?> lookupBindingTarget(Property<?> inputProperty) { try { Field fh = inputProperty.getClass().getDeclaredField("helper"); fh.setAccessible(true); Object helper = fh.get(inputProperty); Field fcl = helper.getClass().getDeclaredField("changeListeners"); fcl.setAccessible(true); Object changeListeners = fcl.get(helper); if (changeListeners != null && Array.getLength(changeListeners) > 0) { ChangeListener<?> cl = (ChangeListener<?>)Array.get(changeListeners, 0); try { Field fpr = cl.getClass().getDeclaredField("propertyRef2"); fpr.setAccessible(true); WeakReference<?> ref= (WeakReference<?>)fpr.get(cl); Property<?> p = (Property<?>)ref.get(); return p; } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { log.debug("Field propertyRef2 not found on " + cl, e); return null; } } log.debug("Could not find target for property %s", inputProperty); return null; } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(e, "Could not find target for property %s", inputProperty); return null; } }
Using this hack, We are now able to determine automatically the beans to validate for all input fields in a form. This is exactly what the FormValidator class provided by GraniteDS is built to do. It scans all inputs in a JavaFX container and add listeners on them. It then calls the corresponding validator on the target bean and propagates the constraint violations to the input by dispatching a particular event of type ValidationResultEvent.
Using FormValidator with data binding, you would simply have to do this:
FormValidator formValidator = new FormValidator(); formValidator.setForm(formContainer);
Then all bound input fields will be validated on-the-fly depending on the Bean Validation constraints defined on the target beans. The FormValidator dispatches validation events on the container so you can react and display hints and error messages to the user:
formContainer.addEventHandler(ValidationResultEvent.ANY, new EventHandler<ValidationResultEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ValidationResultEvent event) { if (event.getEventType() == ValidationResultEvent.INVALID) ((Node)event.getTarget()).setStyle("-fx-border-color: red"); else if (event.getEventType() == ValidationResultEvent.VALID) ((Node)event.getTarget()).setStyle("-fx-border-color: null"); } });
Note that for now, the FormValidator requires that the data bean implements the GraniteDS interface DataNotifier which basically means that the bean is able to dispatch JavaFX events. This requirement could be possibly removed in a future release.
public interface DataNotifier extends EventTarget { public <T extends Event> void addEventHandler(EventType<T> type, EventHandler<? super T> handler); public <T extends Event> void removeEventHandler(EventType<T> type, EventHandler<? super T> handler); }
The bean would then be implemented like this :
public class Person { private EventHandlerManager __handlerManager = new EventHandlerManager(this); @Override public EventDispatchChain buildEventDispatchChain(EventDispatchChain t) { return t.prepend(__handlerManager); } public <T extends Event> void addEventHandler(EventType<T> type, EventHandler<? super T> handler) { __handlerManager.addEventHandler(type, handler); } public <T extends Event> void removeEventHandler(EventType<T> type, EventHandler<? super T> handler) { __handlerManager.removeEventHandler(type, handler); } }
This is once again not ideal but this can be easily extracted in an abstract class.
The validation step of the FormValidator is as follows:
Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> allViolations = validatorFactory.getValidator().validate((Object)entity, groups); Map<Object, Set<ConstraintViolation<?>>> violationsMap = new HashMap<Object, Set<ConstraintViolation<?>>>(); for (ConstraintViolation<Object> violation : allViolations) { Object rootBean = violation.getRootBean(); Object leafBean = violation.getLeafBean(); Object bean = leafBean != null && leafBean instanceof DataNotifier ? leafBean : rootBean; Set<ConstraintViolation<?>> violations = violationsMap.get(bean); if (violations == null) { violations = new HashSet<ConstraintViolation<?>>(); violationsMap.put(bean, violations); } violations.add(violation); } for (Object bean : violationsMap.keySet()) { if (bean instanceof DataNotifier) { ConstraintViolationEvent event = new ConstraintViolationEvent( ConstraintViolationEvent.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, violationsMap.get(bean) ); Event.fireEvent((DataNotifier)bean, event); } }
Obviously that would be easier if we could plug in the bean validation lifecycle of each bean and fire the events during the validation itself, itself of doing this kind of postprocessing.
We have already most of the building blocks to integrate JavaFX and Bean Validation but it is definitely not as smooth as it should be.
The main pain points are the following :
In fact, the two last points could be totally unneccessary if the validation was directly built-in the data binding feature, much like converters. It is probably possible to build something like a ValidatableStringProperty, we will let this for a future post.
Tags: bean validation, javafx