Granite Data Services » Android The Event-Driven, Cross-Platform Application Client Container Thu, 09 Jan 2014 15:55:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 GraniteDS 3.0.0.RC1 is out /2013/10/15/graniteds-3-0-0-rc1-is-out/ /2013/10/15/graniteds-3-0-0-rc1-is-out/#comments Tue, 15 Oct 2013 09:50:00 +0000 /?p=2114 Read More

Granite Data Services 3.0.0.M3 is out and available for download . Maven artifacts are also available from the Maven central repository .

What's New?

The most visible change in this release is the new build process which is now entirely based on Gradle: instead of several Git repositories (one for each module), you will now find everything under a single repository called . The documentation is now based on , a much lighter solution than our previous docbook generation.

This heavy lifting of our build tools was long needed and should help us to bring more frequent releases. It will also make much easier to contribute to the project, either code or docs by simple pull requests in github.

On the technical features side, here are some highlights:

  • UDP support for real-time messaging (Flex, Java, JavaFX, Android).
  • Incremental serialization (aka ChangeSets), which only transmits a set of modified properties instead of complete object graphs (Flex only for now).
  • The Tide ServerSession API, previously only available on Java/JavaFX clients has been ported to Flex and allows Flex/Tide clients to connect to multiple servers.
  • The JMF protocol can now be used with WebSockets for very compact and fast serialization of messages (Java/JavaFX only).
  • You can serialize AS3 Vectors from the server with the help of specific annotations (Flex only).

Of course, many other bug fixes and improvements are also packaged in this release and you can find the complete list on Jira.

What's Next?


We plan to release the final 3.0.0 version at early/mid November. The APIs are now final and we won’t add any new feature, but focus only on bug fixes, documentation, examples and tutorials. You are thus invited to use the RC1 as soon as possible and report quickly anything that looks like a bug.


The next major release will introduce at least these new features or improvements:

  • WebSocket 1.0 (JSR 356) client and server support for Java/JavaFX.
  • Incremental serialization (ChangeSets) for Java/JavaFX clients.
  • Improved Android support with data binding.
  • JSON support for HTML/JavaScript clients.


You can refer to the previous post for the release announcement of 3.0.0.M3 for the new licensing of the different modules. To summarize, all server and basic libraries are now released under the LGPL 2.1 (previously LGPL 2.0), and all advanced client libraries and UDP client and server integration are released under a dual GPL 3.0 / commercial license.

All current users of GraniteDS can send a request at for a free one year ‘early bird license’ for all these libraries until the final 3.0.0.GA release.

Migrating from GraniteDS 3.0.0.M3 to 3.0.0.RC1

There have been once again some changes in the client APIs which will require some changes in your code.

Be sure to check our posts about “Migrating from GraniteDS 3.0.0.M3 to 3.0.0.RC1 (Flex)” and “Migrating from GraniteDS 3.0.0.M3 to 3.0.0.RC1 (JavaFX)”.

Comments are welcome,

The GraniteDS Team.

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GraniteDS 3.0.0.M3 is out /2013/08/20/graniteds-3-0-0-m3-is-out/ /2013/08/20/graniteds-3-0-0-m3-is-out/#comments Tue, 20 Aug 2013 15:44:48 +0000 /?p=2011 Read More

Granite Data Services 3.0.0.M3 is out and available for download . Maven artifacts are also available through Maven central repositories .

This new release is a very important milestone on our way to the final 3.0.0.GA version, both from technical and business point-of-views:

What's new on the technical side?

Beside the usual , the 3.0.0.M3 version of our platform brings the following new features (some of them were already present in previous milestones, though at an early development stage):

  • JavaFX support is maturing: you can benefit from all advanced features which were only available in Tide / Flex and a more efficient serialization protocol than AMF3 for Java clients (JMF – Java Messaging Format)
  • Android support is brand new in this release: you can already develop full featured mobile applications connected to a GraniteDS backend and this new feature also relies on the improved JMF protocol.
  • All Java client libraries are now built using : we are moving the build process of the all platform to Gradle and are planning to “gradlelize” everything before the final 3.0.0.GA.

Our focus for the next release (likely a 3.0.0.RC1) will be on Android, UDP-based real-time messaging and JSON support.

Documentation and tutorials need an update, we will post new resources as soon as they are available.

What's new on the business side?

GraniteDS has always been an avid supporter of open source software. Our business model so far has been to sale yearly subscriptions to an enterprise version of our platform, embedding some very advanced features absent from the community version, together with an access to professional support services.

While we have had and still have some success with this model, it is clearly targeted to mid / big organizations developing critical applications: most of our users are simply using the community version, either because they don’t need any support or can’t afford to pay for our enterprise subscription packages. As a result, generated revenues are below what we need to move to the next step and truly develop and promote GraniteDS in the long run.

After considering different options, we have decided to move to the following business model:

  • GraniteDS stays open source and is even more open source than ever: the few advanced features which were not available in the community platform are going to be in the same Github repository, just like everything else (planned for the 3.0.0.RC1).
  • Most of the platform is still released under the license, though we are going to move it to (version 2.0 is now largely outdated and so to say historical); Advanced libraries (Granite Android and JavaFX Libraries in 3.0.0.M3) are released under the license, with the option of purchasing a commercial license.
  • Support packages are still available, alongside the new commercial licenses: they are two different kind of things and the only purpose of the commercial license is to enable people to use our GPL 3.0 software without the legal requirement to distribute their products under a compatible open source license. However, commercial license fees will be waived for our current customers, provided they have a up-to-date yearly-subscription to one of our enterprise package and as long as they renew this subscription.
  • Commercial licenses are affordable and even free for early birds: see our pricing.

We sincerely hope that you will understand this move, which is, from our point-of-view, pretty fair: open source and free software is great and must stay free for people developing open source software as well. For those who develop commercial software, and unless they can live with the basic features of our platform, an affordable and predictable financial contribution is now asked.

Before asking us any question about this new business model / commercial license, please read our licensing FAQ and the license itself.

So, what's going to be LGPL and GPL?

In the 3.0.0.M3 release, only the Granite Android and JavaFX Libraries are released under GPL 3.0, with the option of purchasing a commercial license: this includes Tide for Java client applications, but the basic Java client features (eg. low-level remoting and real-time messaging) are still LGPL. Everything else in the platform is LGPL (server-side libraries, Flex client libraries, code generation tools).

Starting with the next 3.0.0.RC1 release, two other products will be available under the same dual-licensing scheme (GPL 3.0 / GraniteDS SLA):

  • Granite Advanced Flex Library: former enterprise-only features (such as differential serialization), ActionScript3 big numbers implementation, Flex validation (Bean Validation implementation on the Flex side) and Tide for Flex.
  • Granite UDP Libraries: UDP-based real-time messaging (for Flex and Java clients).

Again, we are and will be offering free commercial licenses for early birds, so it is not going to hurt your wallet if you fast enough (the final 3.0.0.GA won’t be released before early October at the earliest).

Comments are welcome,

The GraniteDS Team.

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